How to Reduce Vata Dosha with Food in Winter?

Vata balancing diet is the key to maintaining good immunity in winter. The two key elements of a Vata-pacifying diet are warm and cooked food. For example, warm soups and stews, hot cereals, and warm beverages such as herb teas are ideal for maintaining your body heat and, consecutively, your immunity. The predominant tastes are sweet, sour, and salty, and bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes should be avoided. Sweet, sour and heavy fruits such as oranges, bananas, cherries, pineapple, and berries and cooked vegetables such as beets, carrots, asparagus, and sweet potatoes are the ideal food to consume in the winter season. Some of the Vata reducing herbs and spices include cardamom, cumin, oregano, cloves, and turmeric. 

Many have questions such as how to keep the body warm naturally and how to reduce Vata in the body in winter. A simple solution to achieve these is by maintaining a strict regime for your food and eating them in regular and proper intervals. It’s important not to skip any meals, have a heavy breakfast and lunch, and a lighter dinner. Moreover, remember to have your dinner at least three hours before going to sleep. To satisfy your hunger pangs in-between meals, you can munch on nuts and raisins soaked in water. 


An Ayurvedic Winter Foods List

Many people who intend to improve their immunity are not sure about what to eat in winter. To maintain a healthy diet in the winter season, it’s important to choose foods that are natural Ayurvedic immunity boosters. Immunity-boosting foods are those which are fresh, organic, easily digestible, and wholesome. Some of the best foods to eat in winter are fresh milk, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and ghee (clarified butter). 

Winter foods that are easily digestible are ideal if you want to increase your immunity. It’s also important to avoid commercially processed food, foods produced with chemicals and preservatives, or even those which are canned, frozen, and packaged. This is because they disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and the immune system. 

Your winter food items should also be those which are warm, lightly cooked, less oily and spicy. In Ayurveda, there is the mention of six distinct tastes, namely Sweet (Madhura), Salty (Lavana), Pungent (Katu), Sour (Amla), Bitter (Tikta), and Astringent (Kashaya). Each of these tastes comprises of two distinct elements. Although the foods to eat in winter should have a balance of all tastes, however, your winter diet should include the sweet, sour, and salty tastes more than the astringent, bitter, and pungent tastes. 

Home-cooked foods are some of the best winter season foods, provided they aren’t deep fried and are cooked with light oils such as ghee or olive oil. You should also avoid cold food and chilled beverages and instead eat warm food and room temperature beverages. This will help keep your digestive fire burning and keep your body warm. 

Another good food for the winter season is tea since it helps in good digestion. You can sip a cup of tea after meals. Some of the other winter healthy foods are heat-producing vegetables such as radish, onions, carrots, and spinach and hot spices such as garlic, ginger, black pepper, and chili pepper. You can add a range of cooked grains such as oatmeal, barley, tapioca, and cornmeal to your diet in winter. Moreover, legumes are a good option since they are good for Kapha and should be consumed with ghee so as to reduce the effects of Vata. Although it’s best to avoid dairy in winter, however, a glass of hot milk with turmeric and nutmeg can induce good sleep. It’ll also help to stick to water or juice-based fast for a refreshing winter Ayurvedic cleanse, especially if you suffer from Kapha imbalances such as cough and cold. 

If you’re confused about what to eat in the winter season, here’s a complete list of the Ayurvedic foods for winter:

  • Artichokes
  • Avocados
  • Beets
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Chillies
  • Corn
  • Eggplant (cooked)
  • Ginger and garlic
  • Onions
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Pumpkins
  • Tomatoes
  • Turnips
  • Cooked apples
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Watermelon
  • Cherries
  • Coconut
  • Dates
  • Figs
  • Grapes
  • Guava
  • Lemon
  • Mangoes
  • Oranges
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Strawberries
  • Millets (in moderation)
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Rye (in moderation)
  • Wheat
  • Butter
  • Buttermilk
  • Cheese
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Ghee
  • Milk (not cold) 
  • Soy milk
  • Almond
  • Avocado
  • Coconut
  • Mustard
  • Olive
  • Peanut
  • Safflower
  • Sesame
  • Anise
  • Asafoetida
  • Basil
  • Bayleaf
  • Black pepper
  • Cardamom
  • Cayenne
  • Chamomile
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Coriander
  • Cumin
  • Nutmeg
  • Oregano
  • Poppy Seeds
  • Saffron
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric
  • Mung Dal
  • Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • Miso
  • Toor Dal
  • Urad Dal
  • Brown lentils
Nuts and Seeds
  • Cashews
  • Lotus Seeds
  • Macadamia 
  • Peanuts
  • Pecans
  • Pistachios
  • Sunflower
  • Walnuts
  • Raw honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Rice syrup

How to Improve Immunity in the Winter Season?

Many people don’t like winter since they consider it to be a season of cold, flu, and other contagious diseases. So it’s often believed that winter decreases your immunity to a great extent. However, Ayurveda feels otherwise and believes winter to be one where you can strengthen your immunity. The age-old science shows how to improve your immunity and how to stay healthy in winter. 

In Ayurveda, Bala means immunity which includes not just physical immunity but psychological and spiritual immunity as well. Bala helps in providing the body and mind with endurance to fight off any problems that affect the different areas of immunity. Various factors affect your immunity such as diet, lifestyle, season, and age. You can maintain a consistent level of immunity throughout any ups and downs in your life. 

There are three levels of immunity: 

  • Hereditary (Sahaj) – the inherent immunity level you’re born with. 
  • Seasonal (Kalaj) – the changing immunity levels due to planetary and seasonal shifts.
  • Established (Yuktikrit) – the consistent level of immunity that can be maintained by leading an Ayurvedic lifestyle. 

Ayurveda focuses on strengthening the second level of immunity which fluctuates with changes in seasons and planetary cycles. Winter is a good time to build your immunity since digestion is stronger in the cold weather. As a result, people feel more hungry and digest more which nourishes their bodies. 

Many people have the misconception that winter is bad for immunity because it’s difficult to digest. However, that’s not the case. This is because as appetite increases, people tend to eat more junk food which affects their immunity. Having more Ayurvedic winter food can help in boosting immunity instead of weakening it. Choosing these immunity-boosting foods by Ayurveda will help nourish both your body and mind. Lifestyle too plays an important role in helping you maintain good immunity throughout the season.

Here are some simple health tips for winter to keep you going throughout the season:

  • Rest – Winter is characterized by long nights and smaller days so you should give your body and mind an ample amount of rest. Going to bed early and rising early can help you to create the perfect balance. 
  • Reduce stress – Winter helps you slow down which helps you to reduce stress to a great extent. Having a planned and organized routine for your daily activities can help you avoid clutter and confusion and reduce anxiety. 
  • Exercise – Since the winter season induces lethargy, you need to provide stimulation to your body. Exercise is a great way to achieve this. Depending on your energy levels and the time of the day, you can choose your exercise regimes. 
  • Practice yoga – Yoga is a great way to calm your mind and stay healthy. There are different movements that help produce heat in the body for the cold season and are ideal for balancing Vata and Kapha. 
  • Choose hot, warm beverages and cooked food – In winter, it’s best to avoid chilled beverages and cold food since it may have an adverse effect on the immune system. Opting for cooked food and warm beverages can help balance the Vata and Kapha perfectly for the season. 
  • Choose sweet, sour and salty foods – In Ayurveda, there are various tastes that match the rhythms of each season. In winter, it’s best to choose sweet, sour, and salty foods instead of bitter, astringent, and pungent tastes. 
  • Use Ayurvedic herbal medicines – If you discover symptoms such as cold, cough, and fever, you can go for Ayurvedic medicines for increasing body heat that will create a healthy balance in the season. 

Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

  1. Respect Seasonal Rhythms

If your skin is balanced, meaning you are not experiencing any specific issues like acne or eczema, Ayurveda advises following the protocol of seasonal rhythms. In the fall & winter, it is important to nourish the skin with organic oils to protect & moisturize deep within the skin’s layers. The spring provides a perfect opportunity to detoxify the skin through Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) & cleanses are ideal at this time. Lastly, in the summertime, we must keep our skin cool with herbs like Coriander, Rose & Aloe Vera, while also protecting it from excess UV rays.

  1. Do Not Use Synthetic Products

It is truly simple. If you wouldn’t eat it, do not put it on your skin! Establish an Ayurvedic skincare routine using all-natural, organic skincare products.

  1. Eat Fresh Food

Eating the freshest organic foods will provide your skin with the phytonutrients it needs to return back to its radiant beauty.

  1. Eat Mindfully & Stoke Your Metabolism

When eating food, it is important to make it a ritual. That means to turn off the t.v., sit down, chew your food mindfully & honor the food that is giving you life. Properly spicing your food is key in Ayurveda. Utilize spices like Cumin, Coriander, Fennel & fresh Ginger with lemon to aid in proper digestion.

  1. Practice Self-Abhyanga or Ayurvedic Massage Daily

This morning practice detoxifies, promotes circulation & nourishes the skin.

  1. Get Quality Rest

The amount of rest necessary is dependent on your specific needs; yet, 6-8 hours of sleep is recommended for glowing beautiful skin. While sleeping, our body is able to repair itself. Beauty sleep is REAL!

  1. Manage Your Stress

Stress produces free radicals in the body that can lead to dull, wrinkle-prone, dry & tired-looking skin. Each day, strive to balance your time between work, exercise, self-care & play.

  1. Develop a Daily Skincare Ritual

Cleanse + Tone + Moisturize + Restore. This Ayurvedic routine is recommended twice per day in AM & PM. AYUNATURE CARE offers a 3-step skincare ritual created using pure, all-natural, organic ingredients that encourage you to develop a daily skincare routine. Shop our skincare products.

  1. Take Time to Make Your Own Skincare Remedies

Ayurveda is all about taking time out for YOU! Play with adding fresh fruits, oils, honey & vegetables to your facial cleanser & mask. Take time for self-care & offer yourself an at-home spa day. Apply Remedy, Lay Down, Rest, Rinse & Radiate your Natural Beauty. Read our blog post: DIY face mask recipes.

  1. Define Your Own Concept of Beauty

In this modern age, we are bombarded with objectified, shallow images of beauty. Ayurveda teaches us a more holistic view of what it means to be beautiful. According to Dr. Raichur, author of Enchanted Beauty, beauty is a “profound experience of wholeness and we see it in others as an effortless poise, grace, and vibrancy: the individual totally at ease from deep within the skin and radiant”. Let Ayurveda inspire you to discover your own power, self-love & divine beauty.

You can learn about even more Ayurvedic beauty tips by reading our blog post: 5 Ayurvedic Tips for Lasting Beauty.


Effective Ayurvedic Hair Care Tips

Ayurveda purses a more holistic approach, therefore one always finds few pointers when it comes to beautiful and groomed hair. This article has compiled with a list of hair care tips according to Ayurveda. 

Today, the primary protective function of the hair has receded into the background. Hair is much more an expression of one’s personality. The problem arises when switching to a new shampoo or conditioner does not repair brittle and dull hair. 

Damaged hair can be the result of an array of factors ranging from a lack of nutrients to an incorrect hair care routine. Ayurveda assesses all these factors using a holistic system. 

A healthy body, and in this case healthy hair, can only be achieved when one lives a healthy and balanced lifestyle. We are more aware of chemicals found in cosmetics today than ever before, which leads to the problem at hand: Chemical agents give hair a more beautiful appearance on the surface, however, they do our hair a disservice. For instance, the silicone gives the impression of healthy and supple strands but completely restricts the hair and scalp from breathing and absorbing needed nutrients. The result is brittle hair and split ends. Unfortunately, silicone is only one of many harmful substances found in conventional cosmetics today. Thus, to attain healthier hair it is advisable to go for the more natural route. 

Our tips for beautiful hair:

  • Nutrition
    Our hair requires care from within. Our diet serves to supply the hair with the nutrition it needs. We recommended the following health, varied diet filled with fruits and vegetables. Broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, radish, beetroot and seasoned well with cumin, turmeric, coriander, mint, or basil. Wholewheat and fresh dairy products and nuts should be incorporated.
    It is best to adjust your diet to your specific dosha type because often increased pitta results in hair loss or greying hair.
  • Avoid heat
    There is nothing more harmful to the hair than heat. Let your hair air dry instead of using heating tools. Cleanse hair with lukewarm water and protect it from the direct sun.
  • Massages
    Massage the scalp regularly. This promotes blood circulation, dead skin cells are freed from the skin and the hair roots are strengthened.
  • Hair oil
    Use hair oil on a regular basis and leave it to absorb into the follicles and scalp at least an hour. The longer oil penetrates the hair, the better. 
  • Ayurvedic shampoos
    Use products that are tailored to your hair type. Ayurvedic shampoos do not contain any harsh chemical ingredients.
  • Comb your hair
    Brush or comb your hair daily with 100 brush strokes. This promotes blood circulation in the scalp, thus improving nutrient supply to the hair roots. Brushes with natural bristles and wooden combs with chunky teeth are best suited for this purpose.
Ayunature Care Clinic

પ્રધાનમંત્રી મોદીએ શેયર કરેલ આ આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાય કોરોનાથી બચવામાં મદદગાર સાબિત થશે

વિશ્વભરના વૈજ્ઞાનિકો અને નિષ્ણાતો આખો દિવસ કોવિડ-૧૯ સામે રસી અથવા દવાઓ શોધવામાં રોકાયેલા છે. જ્યાં સુધી આ ખતરનાક વાયરસનો ઈલાજ ન મળે ત્યાં સુધી ત્યાં સુધી ડોકટરોએ કહ્યું છે કે બચાવ જ કોરોના વાયરસથી બચવાનો એકમાત્ર રસ્તો છે. ભારતના વડા પ્રધાન નરેન્દ્ર મોદીએ કોરોના વાયરસ સામે રક્ષણ માટે કેટલાક આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયો શેયર કર્યા છે, જે શરીરની પ્રતિરક્ષા વધારવામાં મદદગાર છે. કોરોના એક વાયરસ હોવાથી આ રોગ સામે રક્ષણ માટે આપણા શરીરની રોગપ્રતિકારક શક્તિ ખૂબ જ મહત્વપૂર્ણ ભૂમિકા ભજવે છે. આવો, જાણો પીએમ મોદીએ શું કહ્યું અને ક્યાં આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાય વિશે જણાવ્યુ.

આયુર્વેદિક ઉપયોથી કરો કોરોનાનો સામનો : મોદી

નરેન્દ્ર મોદીએ તેના ટ્વિટર એકાઉન્ટ પર આયુષ મંત્રાલય દ્વારા બહાર પાડવામાં આવેલ શરીરની રોગ પ્રગતિકારક શક્તિ વધારવા માટે કેટલાક આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયોનો ફોટો પ્રકાશિત કર્યો હતો. તેમણે લખ્યું કે, “આયુષ મંત્રાલયે વધુ સારા આરોગ્ય અને રોગ પ્રતિકારક શક્તિ માટે કેટલાક દિશાનિર્દેશ આપ્યા છે. આ તેવા આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયો છે, જે સરળતાથી કરી શકાય છે. એવી ઘણી વસ્તુઓ છે જે હું વર્ષોથી કરું છું, જેમ કે આખા વર્ષ દરમિયાન ફક્ત ગરમ પાણી પીવું. તમે તેને પોતાના જીવનનો એક ભાગ બનાવો, સાથે જ તેઓને અન્ય લોકો સાથે શેયર કરો.”

આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાય કોરોના વાયરસથી કેવી રીતે બચાવશે

આયુષ મંત્રાલયે જણાવ્યું છે કે કોવિડ-૧૯ સંકટ દરમિયાન આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયો સ્વ-સંભાળ અને રોગ પ્રતિકારક શક્તિ વધારવામાં મદદગાર સાબિત થઈ શકે છે. કારણ કે, આ વૈશ્વિક રોગચાળો ફાટી નીકળવાથી સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં માનવજાતિ પીડિત છે. આવી સ્થિતિમાં, શરીરને સ્વસ્થ રાખવામાં તેની કુદરતી રોગપ્રતિકારક શક્તિ મહત્વની ભૂમિકા ભજવે છે. આ રોગમાં બચાવ જ સૌથી સારી સારવાર છે. દરેક વ્યક્તિ જાણે છે કે કોવિડ-૧૯ મહામારીની હજી સુધી કોઈ દવા બનાવવામાં આવી નથી. તેથી આ રોગથી બચવા માટે, શરીરની રોગ પ્રતિકારક શક્તિ વધારવાનાં પગલાં લેવાનું વધુ સારું છે.

Ayunature Care Clinic

આયુષ મંત્રાલય અનુસાર, આયુ અને સ્વાસ્થ્ય સાથે જોડાયેલ વિજ્ઞાન હોવાની સાથે  આયુર્વેદ પ્રકૃતિના સાધનોના ઉપયોગ પર ભાર મૂકે છે. રોગોથી બચાવનું આયુર્વેદિક પક્ષ મુખ્યત્વે દિનચર્યા એવમ ઋતુચર્યા પર આધારિત છે. મુખ્યત્વે તે છોડ પરનું મૂળભૂત તબીબી વિજ્ઞાન છે. આયુર્વેદ શાસ્ત્રમાં વર્ણવેલ સરળ પગલાં દ્વારા, વ્યક્તિ તેની રોગ પ્રતિકારક શક્તિમાં સુધારો કરી શકે છે. આયુષ મંત્રાલય દ્વારા શ્વસનતંત્ર, આરોગ્ય નિવારણ અને રોગપ્રતિકારક શક્તિ વધારવા માટેની માર્ગદર્શિકા આયુર્વેદિક ગ્રંથો અને વૈજ્ઞાનિકો પત્રો પર આધારિત છે.

Ayunature Care Clinic

કોરોના વાયરસથી બચાવમાં ક્યાં આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયો થશે મદદગાર

આયુષ મંત્રાલયે નીચે આપેલા આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયોનો ઉલ્લેખ કર્યો છે જે કોરોના વાયરસથી બચાવમાં રોગપ્રતિકારક શક્તિને મજબૂત બનાવવામાં મદદરૂપ સાબિત થયા છે.

  • દિવસ દરમિયાન ફક્ત ગરમ પાણી પીવો.
  • દરરોજ ઓછામાં ઓછા ૩૦ મિનિટ યોગ, પ્રાણાયામ અને ધ્યાન કરો.
  • રસોઈમાં હળદર, જીરું, ધાણા અને લસણ જેવા મસાલાનો ઉપયોગ કરો.
  • આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયમાં દરરોજ સવારે ૧૦ ગ્રામ (૧ ચમચી) ચ્યવનપ્રશ લો. ડાયાબિટીઝના દર્દીઓ ખાંડ મુક્ત ચ્યવનપ્રાશ લે છે.
  • તુલસી, તજ, કાળા મરી, સૂંઠ (સુકો આદુ) અને સૂકા દ્રાક્ષમાંથી બનાવેલ હર્બલ ઉકાળો દિવસમાં એક થી બે વાર પીવો (તમે સ્વાદ પ્રમાણે ગોળ અથવા તાજા લીંબુનો રસ ઉમેરી શકો છો).

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  • ગોલ્ડન મિલ્ક – અડધી ચમચી હળદરનો પાવડર દિવસમાં એક કે બે વખત ૧૫૦ મિલીલીટર ગરમ દૂધમાં લો.
  • નાકના બંને છિદ્રોમાં તલ / નાળિયેર તેલ અથવા ઘી લગાવો.
  • માત્ર ૧ ચમચી તલ / નાળિયેર તેલ મોઢામાં લઈને તેને બે થી ત્રણ મિનિટ સુધી કોગળા કરીએ તેમ મોઢામાં ફેરવો. ત્યારબાદ તેને કોગળા કરીએ તેમ થૂંકી દો. પછી ગરમ પાણીથી કોગળા કરી લો. દિવસમાં એક કે બે વાર આવી રીતે કરો.
  • ખાંસી અથવા ગળામાં દુખાવો થતો હોય, દિવસમાં ઓછામાં ઓછું એકવાર, ફુદીનાનાં પાન/અજમા નાંખીને પાણીની વરાળ લો.
  • આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાયમાં જો તમને કફ અથવા ગળામાં દુખાવો આવે છે, તો લવિંગના પાવડરમાં ગોળ અથવા મધ મિક્ષ કરીને દિવસમાં બેથી ત્રણ વાર લેવો. (જો આ લક્ષણો ચાલુ રહે તો ડોક્ટરની સલાહ લો).

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કોરોના વાયરસથી સાવધાની

ભારત સરકારે લોકોને કોરોના વાયરસના ચેપથી બચવા માટે કેટલીક સલાહ આપી છે. આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાય, સામાજિક અંતર અને લોકડાઉન સાથે આ સાવચેતીરૂપી સલાહને અનુસરીને, તમે કોરોના વાયરસના ચેપને અમુક હદ સુધી ટાળી શકો છો.

  • સારી રીતે હાથ ધોવા.
  • લોકોને બિનજરૂરી રીતે મળશો નહીં, ભીડ ન કરો.
  • આંખો, નાક અને મોઢાને સ્પર્શ કરવાનું ટાળો.
  • જ્યારે છીંક આવે છે અથવા ઉધરસ આવે છે, ત્યારે તમારા મોં અને નાકને ટિશ્યુ પેપર અથવા કોણીથી ઢાંકી દો.
  • જો તમને તાવ, ઉધરસ અથવા શ્વાસ લેવામાં તકલીફ હોય, તો જેટલું જલ્દી બની શકે ડોક્ટરને મળો.
  • આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાય સિવાય, તમારા હેલ્થ કેયર પ્રોવાઇડરની દરેક સલાહને અનુસરો અને સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી મેળવતા રહો.

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  • ભારત સરકારનું કહેવાનું છે કે જો તમે માસ્ક પહેરો છો તો પહેલા આલ્કોહોલ આધારિત હેન્ડ રબ અથવા સાબુ અને પાણીથી તમારા હાથને સારી રીતે ધોઈ લો.
  • તમારા મોઢા અને નાકને માસ્કથી યોગ્ય રીતે ઢાંકી દો જેથી તેમાં કોઈપણ પ્રકારનો ગેપ રહે.
  • એકવાર ઉપયોગ કર્યા પછી માસ્કનો ફરીથી ઉપયોગ કરશો નહીં.
  • માસ્કને પાછળથી હટાવો કરો અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કર્યા પછી તેને આગળથી સ્પર્શ કરવો નહીં.
  • ઉપયોગ કર્યા બાદ તરત જ માસ્કને બંધ ડસ્ટબિનમાં ફેંકી દો.

Source Link: http://www.lagninosambandh.in/pradhan-mantri-modi-ae-3/

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How to Stop Hair Fall and 10 Tips to Control Hair Fall with Ayurveda

1. Egg Mask

Egg Mask

Eggs are wealthy in sulfur, phosphorous, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein, which together assistance advance hair development. To set up the cover,

  • Separate one egg white in a bowl and include a teaspoon every one of olive oil and nectar.
  • Beat to make glue and apply it all over from root to tips.
  • Following 20 minutes, wash with a mellow cleanser.

2. Licorice Root

Licorice Root

This herb forestalls balding and further harm to the hair. It calms the scalp and dispose of any dry drops/dandruff.

  • Make glue by including a tablespoon of ground licorice root and a quarter teaspoon saffron to one cup milk.
  • Apply this to your scalp and hair length and leave it on medium-term.
  • Next morning, wash your hair.
  • Rehash this two times every week.

3. Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk

The protein and fundamental fats in it advance hair development and forestall male pattern baldness.

To set up the milk,

  • Mesh a medium-sized coconut and stew it in a prospect minutes.
  • Strain and cool.
  • At that point include one tablespoon every one of squashed dark pepper and fenugreek seeds to the milk.
  • Apply on your scalp and hair.
  • Following 20 minutes, flush with a cleanser.

4. Green Tea

Green Tea

This tea is wealthy in cancer prevention agents, which help support hair development and forestall male pattern baldness.

  • Splash two-three teabags in one-two cups of high temp water contingent upon the length of your hair.
  • At the point when it cools, pour this over your scalp and hair, while tenderly rubbing your head.
  • Flush with cool water following 60 minutes.

5. Beetroot Juice

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot is plentiful in nutrients C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine and potassium, which are all basic for solid hair development. Plus, it goes about as a detoxification specialist by helping keep the scalp clean.

  • Bubble 7-8 beetroot leaves and pound alongside 5-6 henna leaves.
  • Apply this glue on your scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes before flushing with warm water.

6. Greek Yoghurt and Honey

Greek Yoghurt and Honey
  • Blend 2 tablespoons of yogurt in with 1 tablespoon of nectar and lemon in a bowl.
  • Utilizing a color brush, apply this glue on the scalp and roots.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes before flushing with cold water.
  • Apply this glue once per week.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a viable home solution for balding and to help hair development. It is additionally powerful in decreasing issues of scalp like tingling and chipping.

  • Take the stalk of Aloe Vera and concentrate the mash.
  • Apply it to your hair and scalp and leave it for around 45 minutes.
  • Wash with typical water. You can do this three to four times each week to see better outcomes.

8. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek or Methi seed is among the best home solutions for stop the male pattern baldness. It fixes the hair follicles and aides in re-development of the hair.

  • Douse the fenugreek seeds medium-term in water.
  • Crush it to a fine glue and apply it to your hair and scalp.
  • Leave the glue on your head for around 30 minutes.
  • You can cover your scalp utilizing a shower top to keep it sodden.
  • Following 30 to 40 minutes, wash it with typical water.
  • You don’t need to utilize any cleanser.
  • Do it two times per week for a month for control hair fall.

9. Onion Juice

Onion Juice

The antibacterial properties of onions help battle against scalp diseases, while the sulfur content improves course blood to the hair follicles. It advances hair development and controls loss of hair.

  • To extricate onion juice, crush the onion and afterward press out the juice.
  • Dunk the cotton ball in the onion squeeze and apply it to your scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and afterward wash it off utilizing typical water and a gentle cleanser.
  • Follow this technique once per week and see the distinction.

10. Amla


Indian Gooseberry or Amla is another compelling home solution for stop hair fall. One of the causes is the inadequacy of nutrient C, henceforth expending amla will fortify the hair follicles and help you to control it. On account of its mitigating and the shedding properties, amla help advance quicker development of hair, keep up a sound scalp and forestalls untimely turning gray.

  • You can blend lime juice and the amla powder to make a glue.
  • Back rub it to your scalp and hair.
  • Utilize a shower top to cover your head with the goal that the glue doesn’t dry out.
  • Keep it for an hour and afterward flush it off with ordinary water.

Ayunature Care Clinic

6 Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Considered by many as the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda was developed by the sages of India as a wisdom designed to allow us to live to our full potential.

The two main principles of Ayurveda are: the body and the mind are connected, and the mind can heal and transform the body. So what exactly is Ayurveda and how does one practice and live by it? Here are some of its aspects:

  • Meditate to balance the body and mind
  • Understand your body type
  • Eat a nutritional fresh diet
  • Sleep plenty to allow the body to repair itself
  • Live in the present, connect to your body, make wise life choices
  • Daily oil massages. Yes please.
  • Moderate exercise / Yoga

When we live a well balanced and healthy lifestyle, it will shine out from our skin, hair, nails and mood. If you need help with skin care and want natural solutions, here are some Ayurvedic tips on how to achieve beautiful glowing skin.

1. Veg out on veggies.

Eat lots of watery vegetables like lettuce and cucumber. Combine three different vegetables and eat with olive oil and lemon juice. This type of diet will keep your skin hydrated.

2. Go nutty.

Vata is drying by nature so all foods that have natural healthy fats in them will prevent an imbalance. Nuts and seeds are a great way to add healthy oils to your diet. They contain Omega-3s and fibre.

3. Put the kettle on.

Stay hydrated all day with herbal teas. Make your own ginger and lemon tea to wake you up in the morning and fire up your metabolism, which is important for glowing skin.

4. Get moving!

Exercise not only keeps our joints supple and strong, it keeps us slim and improves your circulation. This will give you that rosy healthy blush in your cheeks.

5. Sleep like a baby.

Get at least seven hours sleep and allow the body and skin to restore itself.

6. Rubdown at sunset.

Get someone or give yourself a massage with some apricot oil or coconut oil to keep the skin hydrated and help to drain the lymphs.

Treat your body well and it will treat you well in return. Seek and maintain a connection with your body and your thoughts so you can stay balanced. Be kind to yourself, eat and drink well, and treat yourself to a massage every once in a while!

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તબિયત છે તો બધુ છે

મનોહર પારિકરજી, સુષ્માસ્વરાજ અને અરુણજેટલી… આ બધા પાસે પૈસા, પદ, કાબેલિયત બધુ જ હતું પણ વ્યસ્તતાને કારણે કદાચ હેલ્થ પર ધ્યાનના આપી શક્યા અને જીવ ગુમાવ્યો એમ કહી શકાય…

જેટલીજી ખાવાના ખૂબ જ શોખીન હતા… જલેબી, સમોસા ફેવરિટ હતા અને નોનવેજ પણ પ્રિય અને ઉપરથી હેવી ડાયાબિટીસ હતું એટ્લે કિડની ફેલ થઈ ગઈ અને કેન્સર થઈ ગયું… જેટલીજીની એવી ઈચ્છા હતી કે પહાડોની વચ્ચે રિટાયર્ડ જિંદગી જીવવી પરંતુ એ સપનું અધૂરું જ રહી ગયું…

આ કિસ્સાઓ પર થી આપણે શું શિખવાનું ?? *વૃધ્ધતાના લીધે મોત આવે એ વ્યાજબી પણ બીમારીના લીધે મરવું પડે એ ખોટું.* હું ઈશ્વરને હમેશા એ જ પ્રાર્થના કરું કે 10 વર્ષ ઓછું જિવાડજો પણ ટપક મોત આપી દેજો બસ… કોઈ બીમારી નહીં બસ…

આ બધુ થવાના મુખ્યત્વે 2 કારણ કહી શકાય…

*[1] વધુ પડતો શારીરિક આરામ* અને *[2] વધુ પડતો માનસિક થાક…* બસ આ 2 બાબતોથી પોતાની જાતને બચાવી લેજો…

કોઈ પણ માટે ક્યારેય ભૂખ્યા, તરસ્યા કામ ના કરતાં… પોતાના બાળકો માટે પણ નહીં… કેમ કે *તમારું શરીર સ્વસ્થ હશે તો જ તમે આગળ જતા બાળકોનું ધ્યાન રાખી શકસો અને એની માથે બોજ બનીને નહીં રહો…* એ નફામાં.

ઈચ્છાઓનો ક્યારેય અંત નથી અને ભાગ્યમાં હશે એ મળી જ રહેશે એટ્લે *મહેનત જરૂર કરવાની પણ ચિંતા હરગિજ નહીં કરવાની…* જીવનમાં પદ, પૈસો, બધુ જ અગત્યનું છે પણ એ બધાથી *પહેલા તમારું શરીર છે…* એને સાચવશો તો તમારું જીવન સાર્થક જ છે…

શરીરની સાથે સાથે મન પર કંટ્રોલ રાખતા શીખો કેમ કે બધા ફસાદનું મૂળ તો આ માકડુ મન જ છે ને ?! *મન પ્રફુલ્લિત અને સંતોષી હશે તો શરીર આપમેળે સુડોળ રહેશે જ* અને મન અળવીતરું હશે તો સાથે સાથે શરીરને પણ બગાડશે અને એક વાત યાદ રાખજો કે શરીરનું મૃત્યુ થાય ત્યારે સૌ રડે છે પરંતુ મનનું મૃત્યુ થાય ત્યારે પોતાને જ રડવું પડે છે… એના માટે *સંતોષ રાખવો ખૂબ જ જરૂરી છે…* વધુ પડતી અપેક્ષા કે મોટા સપના ના રાખો અને જે છે એમાં સંતુષ્ટ રહો તો કદાચ તમે આસમાનની ઊંચાઈ ભલે ના મેળવી શકો પણ *સુખી સંસાર જરૂર મેળવી શકશો…*

એક રાજા પોતાના સૈનિકોની સ્થિતિ કેવી છે એ જાણવા નીકળ્યો તો એને એક વૃધ્ધ સૈનિક ઠંડીમાં થોડો બેચેન હોય એવો દેખાણો તો એની પાસે જઇને પૂછ્યું કે… ઠંડી લાગે છે ? તો પેલા સૈનિકે કહ્યું કે લાગે તો છે પણ વર્ષોથી આદત છે તો તકલીફ નથી પડતી… તો રાજા એ કહ્યું કે કાલે તમારા માટે ગરમ કપડાં મોકલી આપીશ જેથી રાહત રહેશે… રાજા આ વચન આપીને ચાલ્યા ગયા અને પછી ભૂલી ગયા… 6 દિવસ પછી પેલો સૈનિક ઠંડીના કારણે મૃત્યુ પામ્યો અને રાજાને એક પત્ર લખતો ગયો કે વર્ષોથી આ જ કપડાંમાં ફરજ નિભાવતા હતા અને ઠંડી સહન કરી લેતા હતા… પણ તમે આવીને ગરમ કપડાંની આશા આપતા ગયા અને અમારું મન નબળું કરતાં ગયા… અને તમારા એ વાયદા એ મારો જીવ લઈ લીધો…

મિત્રો, *જીવનમાં આશા, સપના અને અપેક્ષાનો ઓવરડોઝ ક્યારેય ના થાવા દેવો…* કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિ કે વિચારનો સહારો ના રાખવો… *સહારો હમેશા માણસને કમજોર જ બનાવે છે…*

*”ખુદ ગબ્બર ” બનીને જીવો…* પોતાની તાકાત, પોતાની સહનશક્તિ, પોતાની ખૂબી પર ભરોસો રાખીને જીવો તો ક્યારેય માંદગી નહીં આવે…

વર્તમાન આર્થિક તંગીમાં અકળાઈ જવાને બદલે આ સમય તમને ઘણું શીખવાડી રહ્યો છે એ શીખો અને દરેક પાસે મોટી અને અમૂલ્ય સંપત્તિ જો કોઈ હોય તો એ સ્વસ્થ શરીર અને સ્વસ્થ મન છે, ને આ બંનેની જાળવણી તમે ખુદ જ કરી શકો છો, અન્ય કોઈ ચાહે તો પણ નહીં.

Best Weight Loss Foods

15 Best Weight Loss Foods

Behold the battle of the bulge! It’s estimated that nearly half of all Americans are trying to lose weight. With such a significant part of the population trying to eat healthily, it’s only wise to start by filling the cabinet with wholesome weight loss foods.

If you are confused about what’s healthy and what’s not, then join the crowd. One group says that eating high fat and no carbs are the way to go, while others say that a well-balanced diet is the key. No one ever got fat by eating too many fruits and vegetables. Before you make your next grocery run, here are 15 things that you want to include.


You know the old saying that eating just one juicy apple will keep the doctor away, and it appears there is some truth behind that adage. First, they have a high fiber content that helps to keep you full, but did you know that they also are packed with vitamins and can prevent cancer? They have no fat or sodium, and an average-sized apple is about 80 calories, which makes them one of the best weight loss foods.


What once was an unnoticed vegetable has certainly got a great deal of attention. Cauliflower is one of the most versatile veggies on the market. You can use it to make low-carb dishes or enjoy them raw. The options are endless. The health benefits of cauliflower are impressive. This white vegetable is full of sulfurous compounds that are known to help detoxify the body. It’s also full of antioxidants that help to protect the cells. Best of all, no matter what diet plan you choose, cauliflower can be easily incorporated.


Salmon is chocked full of Omega 3s and fatty acids that your body needs. Most people don’t eat nearly enough fish, and they are missing out on the health benefits. Salmon is very low in calories, high in Vitamin B, potassium, and an excellent source of protein.

Make sure to buy the fresh varieties and not canned. They add preservatives and tons of salt to help make it shelf-stable, which is things you don’t need while dieting.


As one of the leafy greens, you can add to a plethora of dishes, Swiss chard only has about 19 calories for an average serving. While it’s no joke that these leaves are full of vitamins and oxidants you need, they also have magnesium.

Magnesium is essential for the brain, and it’s one of the best ways to get a healthy serving of this vital mineral without taking a supplement. Fighting anxiety and brain fog during a diet can be helped by consuming these weight loss foods at least once a day.


Grapes are a sweet treat that can help you fight food cravings. They also can be frozen if you crave an icy dessert. While they are higher in sugar than some fruits, they also have plenty to boost in the nutrient department.

Eating grapes can help to reduce the risk of heart disease. They are full of things like resveratrol and flavonoids, and they can even improve your eye health. Their calorie count is modes, making them an excellent, filling snack.


Bananas sometimes get a bad rap from critics because they are higher in sugar. However, the benefits of these fruits seriously counteract their sugar content. They can give you an energy punch that doesn’t end in a sugar crash.

Also, bananas are full of tryptophan, which can help keep moods balanced and depression at bay. When the body is flushing fat, it requires frequent urination. Bananas can replace the calcium lost during this time.

Remember, you must eat these in moderation as they do have a high sugar content and they can put your carbohydrate intake over the limit. However, they are one of the best weight loss foods out there.


No weight loss shopping list would be complete without broccoli. The reason you need to eat this vegetable can be summed up in three words, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It’s an excellent defense against cancer as it’s a cruciferous vegetable.

The soluble fiber of this vegetable helps with inflammation and cholesterol. It’s rich in potassium and Vitamins A and K. It’s one of the best options for low calorie eating as it’s versatile and tastes delicious.


Strawberries are a delicious fruit that can help to calm cravings for sweets. They are full of anti-inflammation properties that can help prevent cancer, but they also help to prevent bad cholesterol with their antioxidant and flavonoid content.

In Asian countries, they are considered a power food because of their many health benefits. They are the perfect addition to shakes, smoothies, salads, but they can be consumed as a low-calorie treat alone.

One entire cup of the red wonders is only 49 calories. It’s a great way to have something sweet and not take away too many calories from the daily budget.


Many experts believe that almonds are one of the best things to add to any diet regimen. They are full of fiber, so just a handful can help to fill you up and keep you satisfied till the next meal. They are a great addition for those who want to maintain a healthy weight.

Almonds are loaded with magnesium, which is responsible for mental health and regulating blood sugar. Since they don’t go rancid like walnuts and hazelnuts, they have a longer shelf life too. It’s easy to see why almonds are one of the best weight loss foods out there.


Who doesn’t love peanut butter? When you buy the natural variety, it has a low sugar and carbohydrate content. Plus, two tablespoons are quite filling and can easily be incorporated into any day.

Why is peanut butter so good for you? Well, it’s full of healthy monounsaturated fat, which can help you in your weight loss journey. Plus, those monounsaturated fats will also help to prevent heart disease.

Experts say those that eat peanut butter regularly have a lower chance of developing diabetes. Additionally, it can boost your energy levels and fight things like fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches.