How to Reduce Vata Dosha with Food in Winter?

Vata balancing diet is the key to maintaining good immunity in winter. The two key elements of a Vata-pacifying diet are warm and cooked food. For example, warm soups and stews, hot cereals, and warm beverages such as herb teas are ideal for maintaining your body heat and, consecutively, your immunity. The predominant tastes are sweet, sour, and salty, and bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes should be avoided. Sweet, sour and heavy fruits such as oranges, bananas, cherries, pineapple, and berries and cooked vegetables such as beets, carrots, asparagus, and sweet potatoes are the ideal food to consume in the winter season. Some of the Vata reducing herbs and spices include cardamom, cumin, oregano, cloves, and turmeric. 

Many have questions such as how to keep the body warm naturally and how to reduce Vata in the body in winter. A simple solution to achieve these is by maintaining a strict regime for your food and eating them in regular and proper intervals. It’s important not to skip any meals, have a heavy breakfast and lunch, and a lighter dinner. Moreover, remember to have your dinner at least three hours before going to sleep. To satisfy your hunger pangs in-between meals, you can munch on nuts and raisins soaked in water. 

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