Best Weight Loss Foods

15 Best Weight Loss Foods

Behold the battle of the bulge! It’s estimated that nearly half of all Americans are trying to lose weight. With such a significant part of the population trying to eat healthily, it’s only wise to start by filling the cabinet with wholesome weight loss foods.

If you are confused about what’s healthy and what’s not, then join the crowd. One group says that eating high fat and no carbs are the way to go, while others say that a well-balanced diet is the key. No one ever got fat by eating too many fruits and vegetables. Before you make your next grocery run, here are 15 things that you want to include.


You know the old saying that eating just one juicy apple will keep the doctor away, and it appears there is some truth behind that adage. First, they have a high fiber content that helps to keep you full, but did you know that they also are packed with vitamins and can prevent cancer? They have no fat or sodium, and an average-sized apple is about 80 calories, which makes them one of the best weight loss foods.


What once was an unnoticed vegetable has certainly got a great deal of attention. Cauliflower is one of the most versatile veggies on the market. You can use it to make low-carb dishes or enjoy them raw. The options are endless. The health benefits of cauliflower are impressive. This white vegetable is full of sulfurous compounds that are known to help detoxify the body. It’s also full of antioxidants that help to protect the cells. Best of all, no matter what diet plan you choose, cauliflower can be easily incorporated.


Salmon is chocked full of Omega 3s and fatty acids that your body needs. Most people don’t eat nearly enough fish, and they are missing out on the health benefits. Salmon is very low in calories, high in Vitamin B, potassium, and an excellent source of protein.

Make sure to buy the fresh varieties and not canned. They add preservatives and tons of salt to help make it shelf-stable, which is things you don’t need while dieting.


As one of the leafy greens, you can add to a plethora of dishes, Swiss chard only has about 19 calories for an average serving. While it’s no joke that these leaves are full of vitamins and oxidants you need, they also have magnesium.

Magnesium is essential for the brain, and it’s one of the best ways to get a healthy serving of this vital mineral without taking a supplement. Fighting anxiety and brain fog during a diet can be helped by consuming these weight loss foods at least once a day.


Grapes are a sweet treat that can help you fight food cravings. They also can be frozen if you crave an icy dessert. While they are higher in sugar than some fruits, they also have plenty to boost in the nutrient department.

Eating grapes can help to reduce the risk of heart disease. They are full of things like resveratrol and flavonoids, and they can even improve your eye health. Their calorie count is modes, making them an excellent, filling snack.


Bananas sometimes get a bad rap from critics because they are higher in sugar. However, the benefits of these fruits seriously counteract their sugar content. They can give you an energy punch that doesn’t end in a sugar crash.

Also, bananas are full of tryptophan, which can help keep moods balanced and depression at bay. When the body is flushing fat, it requires frequent urination. Bananas can replace the calcium lost during this time.

Remember, you must eat these in moderation as they do have a high sugar content and they can put your carbohydrate intake over the limit. However, they are one of the best weight loss foods out there.


No weight loss shopping list would be complete without broccoli. The reason you need to eat this vegetable can be summed up in three words, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It’s an excellent defense against cancer as it’s a cruciferous vegetable.

The soluble fiber of this vegetable helps with inflammation and cholesterol. It’s rich in potassium and Vitamins A and K. It’s one of the best options for low calorie eating as it’s versatile and tastes delicious.


Strawberries are a delicious fruit that can help to calm cravings for sweets. They are full of anti-inflammation properties that can help prevent cancer, but they also help to prevent bad cholesterol with their antioxidant and flavonoid content.

In Asian countries, they are considered a power food because of their many health benefits. They are the perfect addition to shakes, smoothies, salads, but they can be consumed as a low-calorie treat alone.

One entire cup of the red wonders is only 49 calories. It’s a great way to have something sweet and not take away too many calories from the daily budget.


Many experts believe that almonds are one of the best things to add to any diet regimen. They are full of fiber, so just a handful can help to fill you up and keep you satisfied till the next meal. They are a great addition for those who want to maintain a healthy weight.

Almonds are loaded with magnesium, which is responsible for mental health and regulating blood sugar. Since they don’t go rancid like walnuts and hazelnuts, they have a longer shelf life too. It’s easy to see why almonds are one of the best weight loss foods out there.


Who doesn’t love peanut butter? When you buy the natural variety, it has a low sugar and carbohydrate content. Plus, two tablespoons are quite filling and can easily be incorporated into any day.

Why is peanut butter so good for you? Well, it’s full of healthy monounsaturated fat, which can help you in your weight loss journey. Plus, those monounsaturated fats will also help to prevent heart disease.

Experts say those that eat peanut butter regularly have a lower chance of developing diabetes. Additionally, it can boost your energy levels and fight things like fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches.

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