Ayunature Care Clinic

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss

Have you ever looked at your brush or your comb and cried out in horror? The first place where you see the signs of hair loss is in your comb or brush. The broken and fallen strands are a testament to the fact that you have been losing a lot of your precious hair. Hair loss is a common problem that everyone has suffered from at some point in their life. Men and women, both, may suffer from occasional or seasonal bouts of hair loss. However, if the condition gets severe and your hair continues to thin, it may be cause for grave concern. Ayurveda has several treatment methods that can help you curb hair fall effectively.

According to Ayurveda, hair is a by-product of the breakdown of asthi (bones). The tissue material of bones is the constituents of hair and nails. The body naturally creates this tissue and if there is even the slightest of disturbance in the metabolism of asthi, it can cause hair fall. The metabolism of asthi depends on your body’s digestive fire. A dimming of this fire affects the health of your hair. Therefore, Ayurveda believes that there is a deep relationship between your digestive health and the health of your hair. Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss takes your digestive health into account.

Ayurveda and Hair Loss

We inherit pitta (heat) constitution from our parents. An excess of pitta dosha can cause a disruption in the metabolic processes of our body. Hot climatic conditions can increase the pitta dosha of your body. Excessive consumption of spicy and sour food, alcohol, meats, and caffeine can also cause an increase of pitta in your body. Pitta may also be aggravated by fried, refined and acidic foods.

Other causes of hair fall include nutritional or hormonal deficiencies, diseases, and disorders, side effects of medication, impairment of the hormonal receptors on the hair follicles, acute illness, high levels of stress, imbalance in thyroid hormones, drugs or substance abuse and sudden weight loss. Ayurvedic therapists first study your overall health before offering Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss.

Modern Understanding and Pathology of Hair Loss

According to modern medicine, hair loss or alopecia affects the scalp and other parts of the body as well. It is often hereditary or can be caused due to mediations or even an underlying medical condition. There is a different kind of hair loss and patchy hair loss is usually more serious and causes more concern than overall loosening and loss of hair. Male pattern baldness, premature graying and loosening of hair are often hormonal and may need hormonal treatment.

The Pitfalls of Modern Allopathic Treatment of Hair Loss

The diagnosis of hair loss and its causes is often very difficult. Most of the times, hair loss is addressed through medications to treat the underlying cause. However, if the underlying cause is not known or if the hair loss is hereditary, treatment may not be successful. Ayurveda, on the other hand, naturally balances the hormones in your body, nourishing your scalp and promoting hair growth. Ayurvedic herbs can also strengthen hair follicles, preventing hair fall and improving the appearance of your mane. That is why; most people prefer to take the Ayurvedic route to healthier hair and scalp.

Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss

The problem of hair fall is related to pitta dosha. If you have been experiencing rapid hair loss, you should first identify the lifestyle habits that may be taking a toll on your hair. Here are some simple things you can do:

  • Reconsider your diet. Cut down on your intake of spicy, sour, acidic, fried and refined foods. Avoid drug or substance abuse and stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • For hair growth, drink 1/3 cup of aloe vera juice every day. If you are not comfortable consuming aloe vera juice, you can instead consume one spoon of aloe vera gel mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder thrice a day.
  • Consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals to regain your nutritional balance. Carrot, alfalfa, spinach, and lettuce are some of the foods you should consume regularly. In addition to this, you can also consume a spoonful of sesame seeds every morning. Probiotic foods such as yogurt can also be helpful in reducing hair fall.
  • Drink lots of water every day. This helps flush out toxins in your body, balancing the pitta dosha. It is important to keep your body hydrates, so while you consume adequate amounts of water, stop drinking alcohol or caffeine based drinks because they tend to dehydrate you and weaken your hair.
  • Another hair loss Ayurvedic treatment is the use of herbs. Herbs like Bhringaraaja, Brahmi, Amla, Neem, Ritha, and ashwagandha improve Hair strength, quality, and texture. These help in hair restoration from alopecia and help retain hair color for a long time.
  • Herbal oil massage of your scalp brings increased nourishment to your scalp. You can use coconut oil, almond oil, amla oil, Nustard oil, Brahmi oil or arnica oil for such massage. Always heat the oil a little before massaging it into your scalp. You can add a small amount of lemon juice into the oil before your massage, just in case you have dandruff.

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